Knighthood investiture Program

The Stuart Hall Knighthood Program provides the Middle School boys with a unique opportunity to develop their understanding and commitment to our School’s pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Faith, and Honor. Our founder, Bill Gallop, created this program to recognize the formative growth of each of our boys over the course of their Stuart Hall career. The Program serves as a culminating process to actively engage with the School’s mission and to support our students as they grow from good boys into great men. A faculty sponsor will serve as a guide and mentor to each Candidate during their journey towards Knighthood.  

To qualify for Knighthood and to participate in the Knight Investiture Ceremony, the Candidates must demonstrate their formational growth by maintaining specific academic and behavioral expectations and by completing a series of meaningful activities and reflections to deepen their understanding of each of the school’s four pillars. Truly encompassing the mission of our school, the opportunity to join the Knighthood of Stuart Hall is both an honor and a responsibility.