Head of School Search

The search for Stuart Hall’s next Head of School is underway with the selection of a Search Committee and hiring of executive search firm The Education Group. 

As the search progresses, the Search Committee will periodically post updates to this website.  For questions regarding the search, you may contact Brian J. Capitelli, Chair, Head of School Search Committee, or Stephen L. Miles, President, Board of Trustees, at searchcommittee@stuarthall.org.

Updates from the Search Committee

  • Dear Members of the Stuart Hall Community,

    After serious consideration, the Board of Trustees has made the decision to extend the search for our next permanent Head of School.

    Under Dr. Tim Burns’s leadership, the Stuart Hall community is continuing to grow and make very positive strides. Dr. Burns’ decades of experience as a Head of School is exactly what Stuart Hall needs at this time. We are very pleased that Dr. Burns has agreed to extend his interim headship to two years, through the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

    The school community met with several strong candidates in recent months, and we believe the remaining candidates could lead Stuart Hall. However, the Board has made the decision that another year under Dr. Burns’s leadership will give the next Head of School the best chance for success.

    The Search Committee will be meeting after the Holidays to discuss our next steps in this most important process and we will continue to update our community as we move forward. Thank you to all in the community for your interest and involvement and to the Search Committee, which has devoted many hours to the process and will continue to work toward a successful conclusion.


    The Stuart Hall Board of Trustees

  • June 17, 2022

    Dear Stuart Hall Community,

    On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we are pleased to announce the appointment of an Interim Head of School for the 2022-2023 school year, Dr. Timothy M. Burns.

    A highly talented educational leader, Dr. Burns has wide-ranging experience heading independent schools, including serving as the headmaster of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in New Orleans from 2003 through 2014. He has served as head of three schools and served as interim head of eleven other schools.

    The search committee and the Board of Trustees selected Dr. Burns unanimously out of a pool of highly qualified educators and school leaders. Dr. Burns’s experience serving as an interim head of several independent schools across the nation will undoubtedly benefit our boys, faculty and staff, and school community. This experience will allow a seamless transition in leadership, while keeping our school’s mission and commitment to our boys clear and focused as we move forward in our search for a permanent head of school. In addition, Dr. Burns’s connections to New Orleans and his time leading the Academy of the Sacred Heart were compelling characteristics in his selection.

    Dr. Burns began lending his expertise to a number of schools in transition more than thirty years ago, serving as interim or transition head of independent schools in New York, Illinois, Ohio, California, Missouri, Delaware, and Washington. Throughout his career, Dr. Burns has developed wide ranging expertise through his service to several different types of schools across the country. Dr. Burns and his wife, Kathy, have two daughters and four grandchildren.

    In addition to Dr. Burns serving as Interim Head of School, the Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that former Head of School Kevin Avin will serve as Advisor to the Interim Head of School with a specific focus on major gifts and alumni relations for the 2022-2023 school year. Mr. Avin and Dr. Burns are longtime colleagues, with both having tenures as independent school heads of New Orleans schools. Mr. Avin is excited to serve the Stuart Hall School for Boys in this capacity and will work closely with Dr. Burns to establish and strengthen ties within the school community.

    The Board of Trustees now turns its focus to finding a permanent Head of School for the 2023-2024 school year. This search will be an extensive process that will review candidates from New Orleans and beyond. We will provide our community with updates on this search process in the coming weeks and months.

    We look forward to the year ahead as we work together to carry on the mission of Stuart Hall with one goal in mind: to love and support our boys and ensure that we as a school continue to build a foundation for a life centered on a love for learning, a desire to help others and a commitment to Gospel values.

    We hope everyone continues to enjoy a great summer break.


    Taylor Mouledoux '96
    President, Board of Trustees

    Stephen L. Miles
    President-Elect, Board of Trustees
    Interim Search Committee Chair