
The mission of the Stuart Hall School community is to live the words of Catholic educator Janet Erskine Stuart, R.S.C.J,  

"Education is formation, not just information."

Faculty and staff are dedicated to working with parents to help each child build a foundation for a life centered on a love for learning, a desire to help others, and a commitment to Gospel values.


Stuart Hall School is a family school with a value-based curriculum.  Those values upon which the philosophy is based are Faith, Scholarship, Leadership, and Honor.


Faith is the basis of living a life founded on Christian principles.  Faith is at the heart of what it means to be a Christian.  Stuart Hall seeks to develop in each boy a strong faith in God, in himself, in others, and in our country.


Scholarship is the outcome of a challenging, creative, and well-balanced approach to the curriculum.  A firm, solid understanding of basic concepts and mastery of basic skills is essential if the student is to develop his talents and his gifts in mastering the higher orders of thought and expression.

Helping the student learn to build upon that foundation with strong academic skills within a structured, ordered environment and challenging the student to the higher reasoning processes (evaluation, synthesis, and analysis) provide the foundation for the integration of Stuart Hall values.


Leadership is best developed by encouraging the unfolding of each child's own special gifts, his feelings of self-worth, and competence.  Stuart Hall challenges the child to use all of his gifts wisely and to accept the responsibility for his actions.  Setting a good example, being confident in interactions, and growing in self-discipline are the collective means by which Stuart Hall challenges the child to develop his gifts.  The foundations of leadership are self-esteem and confidence.


Honor is a basis upon which all other values rely.  Honor springs from sensitivity to the needs of others.  It is the development of character within each child through the building of respect, integrity, and honesty.  The living out of these endeavors creates the attribute of honor within a child.