Why We Love Stuart Hall

Student Testimonials

Members of the Class of 2015 were asked to speak about why Stuart Hall and Catholic education are important to them. Below are their reflections:  

I thank God for my Catholic Education because….

  • Stuart Hall made me realize that the qualities are not just on the banner, but working in everyone’s lives.
  • Stuart Hall has helped me develop into a better person, taught me to use my head, and do the right thing. I have learned to think about things before I do them.
  • Stuart Hall provides not only good academics, but it turns every person into a person of faith and goodness.
  • I have been taught many moral values and great qualities. A Catholic education has helped me to be a good person and a good student.
  • Going to Stuart Hall has made me more prepared and more confident about my future.
  • I have grown in my academics, my faith, and most of all, I have received an understanding of the many qualities that will help me grow into a good man.
  • Stuart Hall teaches me values and how to serve God.
  • Stuart Hall helped me have a deeper understanding of my faith.
  • I have learned so many new things that will help me excel in the future. Stuart Hall is a great school to go to, to learn many qualities and become a great man.

Parent Testimonials

We were thrilled with our school choice from the start, but the longer we have been at Stuart Hall, the more I have come to appreciate the all boy aspect.   Since all of the activities available are only available to boys, there is no concern about whether something is a “boy activity” or a “girl activity.”  In chapel, during Mass and at the Christmas program, all the boys sing.  They don’t worry about whether or not it’s cool.  Boys join the chorus, the chess club, participate in Scouts or K4J, act in the play and join athletic teams as it suits their interest and without any concern about what someone will think of them if they do so.  As the boys get older, they mature at different rates, and some of them become interested in girls sooner than others.  Because there are no girls present at school, these differences don’t manifest themselves during the school day, and don’t prove to be as divisive or distracting.

I am very proud to be the mother of a Stuart Hall alumnus, who currently serves as class president at his co-educational high school, in addition to participating on athletic teams and working on the school’s literary magazine.  I know his years at Stuart Hall provided an excellent foundation for him to have success at his new school.  Our middle son is currently going through the application process to choose a high school, and I have no doubt that Stuart Hall has prepared him for similar success at the school of his choice.  We are also happy that our youngest son is only in third grade, so that we have many more years to enjoy being a Stuart Hall family.
~Vaughn and Doug Downing (Michael '08, Andrew '11, and James '15)

Sending (my son) to Stuart Hall is one of, if not, the greatest decisions I ever made as a father. 
~ Arlene and Eddie Compass (Marlon '19)

Alumni Testimonials

For me, the friendships I made at Stuart Hall have been the foundation for my whole life. The Stuart Hall bond, an understood bond, is an extremely valuable commodity to me and I know for many others, as well.
~Becker Hall ’92

Stuart Hall provided me with a foundation in critical thinking, brotherhood and, most importantly, a foundation in God.
~Ian Gunn ’02

As a member of Stuart Hall’s Knight Council, I learned the importance of getting involved around campus and making a difference. Whether community outreach, school cleanups or sports, I wasn’t just attending a school, I was a part of it.
~Erich Faust ’91

Whenever my work has been recognized with a prize or award, I tell anyone who asks that I credit that success to the foundation Mr. Soler, Mrs. Strickland, Mr. Suter [and] Mrs. d’Hemecourt built for all of us Knights while we were going through the program.
~Ramon Antonio Vargas '00

With such a great ratio of quality teachers to students, I was able to receive the attention necessary for me to succeed. I am confident that Stuart Hall provided the best education for me, and is currently doing the same for my son.
~Jay Van Vrancken '93