Profile of a Graduate

In the words of Janet Erskine Stuart, R.S.C.J., "Education is formation, not just information. The children come to us untaught and leave us half-taught. So we must remember that it is better to begin a great work than to finish a small one. Our education is not meant to turn the children out small and unfinished, but seriously begun on a wide basis."

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Faith – The Stuart Hall graduate holds with deep conviction that God loves him. He knows the major doctrines and devotions of the Catholic Church, and he takes seriously the mandate of Christ that, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, you do to Me.”

Scholarship – The Stuart Hall graduate exhibits a love of learning that will last a lifetime. He values learning as transformative. He understands that mastery of academic subjects forms a firm foundation for further growth as he moves forward to the next levels in his education.

Leadership – The Stuart Hall graduate understands the true meaning of his school’s motto, Leaders for Life. Students are afforded many leadership opportunities in student government, academic and athletic teams, and the arts. He is called to a richer, fuller, higher life within. He is destined for some special work for God, which will remain undone unless he does it.

Honor – The Stuart Hall graduate realizes that honor is the keystone of character development. He understands the values that he holds, and he will act accordingly, even when it is difficult.

Therefore, they must leave us with some self-knowledge, some energy, some purpose…If they leave us without these three things, they drift with the stream of life.