Strategic Plan

Dear Members of the Stuart Hall Community,

These are exciting times for Stuart Hall School for Boys. As we begin the new year, we are blessed to be back in full operation after a most unusual year and a half due to the pandemic and Hurricane Ida. Mr. Moscona is off to a great start, and the school and our boys continue to thrive.

As you may know, the Board of Trustees is responsible for setting policy and overseeing the long-term direction of the school. For the past two years, the Board has been working on a strategic plan that will serve as a guide for the school for the next three to five years.

The Education Group, a national consulting firm, has partnered with us in this effort. Beginning in November 2019, The Education Group led a Board governance retreat and then followed up with another session in July 2020.

In these sessions, the Board has shared its hopes and dreams for the next chapter in the life of our school. The Strategic Planning Committee of the Board has been charged with researching and developing the plan. As part of that process, The Education Group conducted a community-wide survey and analyzed and presented the results to the Strategic Planning Committee. The Education Group also had individual meetings with school administrators, including Mr. Avin and Mr. Moscona, to obtain additional feedback in developing the plan. The Strategic Planning Committee then developed the major planks presented in this booklet.

Each area has a committee charged with more fully developing the plan and creating an action plan for its implementation. The committees will work with the administration and will oversee the steps to ensure that the plan is brought to fruition over the next three to five years.

As leaders of this strategic planning effort, we are grateful to everyone in the community who participated in this process through the survey and individual interviews. We are excited about what this plan promises for the future of Stuart Hall.


Taylor Mouledoux ’96
President, Board of Trustees

Brian Capitelli
Chair, Strategic Planning Committee